Maryam Almaskin

Texas A&M University - College Station

Best thing about KGSP:
There is no question that the best thing about the KGSP is being surrounded by a community that welcomes me and I belong to. I feel very comfortable and I am in my best version around them. I established deep and heartwarming friendships that I will make sure I never lose.
Best experience so far / How KGSP helped me:
My favorite is 2019 Convocation in San Diego. I met my lovely friends after a long time and got to know cohort 10 & 11 better.
In five years I’ll be…
I hope to be an Applied Geometer, mainly in architecture and maybe Computer Graphics. I imagine myself creating beautiful things in the future. Saving lives and improving the quality of life is important, but I believe that creating beauty is also a purpose that is not less important, it just does not have a direct influence that we can see vividly.
Research Interests:
I find myself interested in topics relating to art. Surprisingly, I recently found Dr. Pottmann, a professor in KAUST that works in Architecture and math. I am looking forward to learn from him and find myself in applied geometry.