Applications for AY2025-2026 are now closed. Thank for your interest in the KGSP.

FAQ - Application Stage

Who must I be in order to apply?

You must be a Saudi national who is a current Grade 12 student.

When do applications open?

Applications to join KGSP’s Cohort 17 will open Sunday, January 12th, 2025, and the form will close on Monday, February 3rd, 2025. Applicants will be allowed to submit updates to test scores and University admissions after the submission of the application form. 


Any interested student applicant who has not submitted the application form by February 3rd, 2025, deadline, will not be considered for admission.

How can I open my application?

To start an application, you can click HERE

The application form will be activated on Sunday, January 12th, 2025. 

What must I disclose in my application?

As well as including your personal information with essays of interest in the KGSP , you will also be expected to submit technical scores.


Applicants must meet the minimum expected score for each of these tests to be guaranteed an interview. Any applicant in not meeting (or declaring) each of these minimum requirements may be interviewed. In this case, the sole decision on proceeding with an interview (or not) will rest with the leadership of the KGSP.  


Test Minimum Score
SAT 1350 (with a minimum of 700 SAT Math)
TOEFL IBT (or IELTS Academic) 90 (or 7.0)

Will there be an option to apply to a KGSP Foundation Year?

No. In a strategic break from previous cohorts, there will be no Foundation Year option for applicants. Students must submit information on a potential undergraduate admission for the Fall of 2025. 

Which university programs should I submit my application with?

In line with the MOE Arruaad pathway, it is expected the students have active applications or offers of admission to one of the Top 30 Arruaad global universities. 

Should I still apply if I have not applied to one of the Arruaad pathways Universities?

Yes, you may. We will review your University applications even if you have not applied to an Arruaad University. 

In the past, the KGSP has only sent students to the United States. What if I have an Arruaad University application which is not a USA-based institution?

The KGSP is open to the idea of sending students to global locations other than the United States. Proceed with your application.

Will there be an application fee?


Can I update my application with any new documentation or information?

Yes, once you have submitted your application form by the deadline, you may submit more documentation/ updated test scores. 

FAQ - Interview Stage

When will interviews start?

Interviews are expected to start in early February 2025.

When will the interview stage end?

Interviews should come to an end by mid-March 2025.

What happens if I am not brought to interview stage?

If you are not interviewed by the end of March, please consider that your application will not advance. 

Who is the type of student who will do well at interview stage?

We are interested in students with a strong technical background, who wish to study in a world class undergraduate institution and who desire greatly to contribute back to the Kingdom through an advanced career in academia, entrepreneurship, government or private sector interests.


We are interested in students who understand KAUST well and who have the emotional and cultural intellect to both succeed at a world class university location and contribute to the KGSP community of students and alumni.

FAQ - Offers

When will offers be sent out?

You can expect offers to be sent out from April 6th 2025.

Will there be a waiting list?

Yes, it is possible you will be offered a waiting list. This means that you offer has not been rejected as of that moment. If your application converts to an offer or a rejection you will be informed at a later date.

Will the KGSP fund a fourth year MA if the undergraduate program is only three years?


Will there be any Foundation Year in any global location, in the United States of otherwise?


If I am one of the applicants accepted to a non-USA university, will I be afforded the same duty of care as with existing students in the United States?

Yes. This will be discussed in greater detail with students who receive and accept a KGSP offer. 

What benefits will be included in the KGSP offer?

This information is private and only shared with applicants who receive an offer.