Student Enrichment Profile: Fatimah Alshaikh

Fatimah Alshaikh    At the 2019 KGSP Convocation, Brown University junior Fatimah Alshaikh was   selected to present at an “Interviewing for   Success” panel discussion, sharing tips with   her fellow KGSP peers on how to land a   competitive summer internship. Following her   own expert advice, Fatimah subsequently   went on to be chosen for an exciting 12-week   internship at Microsoft Corporation this   summer! Serving as an Explore Intern,   she worked on data visualization software for   Microsoft’s Outlook mail transportation and   received training on tools and programming   software development. In addition, she   gained project management experience   working with other interns, mentors, and   program managers as they evaluated requirements, estimated costs, and created and implemented program features and services.

Fatimah AlshaikhFatimah took proactive steps to prepare for and secure her internship by utilizing networking resources provided to her by the Department of Computer Sciences at Brown. After speaking with professors, other students, and Brown’s career support center, she better understood how this internship could be a valuable hands-on experience to further her academic and career interests. She also contacted her KGSP advisor to receive resume support and to arrange a practice interview session, where she learned the importance of identifying and highlighting transferable skills applicable to the specific internship job description—all of which really helped Fatimah stand out to Microsoft recruiters!

The KGSP congratulates Fatimah on this impressive internship.