North Carolina State University Summer Research Program
From May 14th to June 17th, 28 students participated in a customized research program at North Carolina State University, specially developed by the Program and NC State for KGSP students. Students were strategically matched with professors whose research aligned with their academic interests, and worked on a variety of projects that required creative thinking in applying engineering concepts to unique world problems.
Sample Projects:
Abdulelah Alamri (Freshman, Texas A&M University) conducted research on little-known 18th Century scientist Roger Boscovitch and his work on Unified Theory. One of his responsibilities was locating primary source documents from libraries and research institutions from around the world.
Ahmad Tashkandi (Freshman, Texas A&M University) and Khuzam Alshubbar (Sophomore, University of Wisconsin-Madison) researched the most efficient directions to focus a wind turbine by constructing models, while using controlled lab equipment to measure results.
Afnan Tolah (Freshman, North Carolina State University) and Rawan Al Yahya (Sophomore, University of Arizona) constructed models to produce sparks that simulated the effects of combustion in a jet engine by using an array of power tools and equipment.
Fatema Al Hani (Freshman, North Carolina State University) and Abdullah Alquwayzani (Freshman, Texas A&M University) built a prototype for a radio-operated boat designed to locate invasive species in local bodies of water.
Zainab Alnajar (Sophomore, SUNY-Stony Brook) and Ahmed Albuwaydi (Freshman, University of Colorado, Boulder) studied the conversion of 2D shapes into 3D structures by using Origami as a medium.
Participants also had the opportunity to present their work during a Summer Research Fair; congratulations to all NCSU Summer Research participants for their outstanding work!

Ahmad Tashkandi and Khuzam Alshubbar report their findings on wind turbine angles

Khalid Alghamdi and Khalid Aldawood analyze bird migration patterns through linear regressions

Ayman Alzomaili and Abdullah Abu Alshuor present their findings on the best materials for automobile hoses

Abdulmohsen Nadeem and Omar Mandurah (not present in photo) discuss microchip protection

Marram Andijani reports her findings on 3D printing

Zainab Alnajar and Ahmed Albuwaydi present on “The Science of Origami”

(left to right): Mohammed Subah, Abdulrahman Al Harbi, Ahmed Albuwaydi and Khalid Algashgari, celebrate a job well done

Ahmad Tashkandi and Khuzam Alshubbar report their findings on wind turbine angles

Khalid Alghamdi and Khalid Aldawood analyze bird migration patterns through linear regressions

Ayman Alzomaili and Abdullah Abu Alshuor present their findings on the best materials for automobile hoses

Abdulmohsen Nadeem and Omar Mandurah (not present in photo) discuss microchip protection

Marram Andijani reports her findings on 3D printing

Zainab Alnajar and Ahmed Albuwaydi present on “The Science of Origami”

(left to right): Mohammed Subah, Abdulrahman Al Harbi, Ahmed Albuwaydi and Khalid Algashgari, celebrate a job well done
KGSP’s commitment to providing meaningful enrichment opportunities tailored to individual student needs, talents and professional goals differentiates the Scholarship from other programs of its kind. KGSP students benefit from participating in at least two such activities each year—one in the summer, and one during the regular academic term. Summer enrichment activities include academic research at the home university, specialized research and enrichment programing at a visiting institution, industrial internships, and summer research placements with a KAUST faculty member on campus. Additional opportunities available throughout the year include attendance at conferences, seminars, short courses, trainings, as well as additional engagement activities with KAUST faculty and leadership. In AY 2016/17, over 90 percent of all undergraduates participated in such activities.