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KGSP Students Attend the International Conference on Software Engineering


                                               KGSP students at ICSE
                                                                                  KGSP students at ICSE

In May 2022, five KGSP students traveled to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to attend the 44th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). Farris Alkassem, Iliyas Alabdulaal, and Abdullah Aldossary are sophomores at the University of Wisconsin-Madison; Mohammed Alkhalifah is a freshman at the University of California, San Diego; and Sadiq Al Humood is a freshman at Boston University. All five students are studying Computer Science and saw this conference as an ideal opportunity to learn more about their field. They knew of this conference from the KGSP Enrichment Digest, a weekly newsletter sent to all students that advertises upcoming enrichment opportunities throughout the academic year. For the first time in 5 years, ICSE took place in the United States. The conference included over 200 sessions of various paper and poster presentations from various researchers and educators in the software engineering field.

The KGSP recognizes the value of KGSP students becoming familiar and engaged with professional organizations within their STEM disciplines during their undergraduate studies. Therefore, the KGSP supports student participation in conferences to help them expand their professional networks, stay up to date with contemporary research findings and  continue to grow professionally. In addition, the information and knowledge students obtain through conference attendance will augment their academic studies and potentially nourish future studies and projects from the academics and professionals they meet.

For Farris, his favorite aspect of the conference was “Connecting and talking with the people in the conference during the poster showing”. He added that “it let me discuss the nitty-gritty details of the research topic they were presenting in great detail. I also connected with some of the said presenters, further strengthening my network!”

Iliyas expressed that his prior coursework and educational experiences helped him understand many topics discussed during the sessions. “[The conference] was beneficial academically and professionally as I learned a lot and met so many intelligent people,” Iliyas stated. “The research presented there was very broad, so I got to see many things from different angles. The most intriguing one was about android malware and detecting how the malware executes.”

 “Farris and Iliyas have a thirst for knowledge and professional experiences,” Tiffany Hsiau, their KGSP Advisor, expressed. “They take their futures seriously and are proactive in personal and career development. As their advisor, I am very proud of their desire for growth, and I am so excited to see what else awaits them!”

The KGSP students’ experiences demonstrate the value of attending conferences as a worthwhile opportunity for networking and further exploring new research and technological developments in their field.



KGSP students represent the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s future scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, and thought-leaders. As both individuals and as a community, they reflect the KAUST mission of driving scientific discovery through excellence in education and cutting-edge research, and share a commitment to fostering innovation, economic development, and social prosperity throughout the Kingdom and the world.  


Selection to the KGSP is extremely competitive, and currently by invitation only. Successful applicants are Saudi Arabian students in their final year of high school who demonstrate impressive academic credentials within STEM fields, meaningful extra-curricular achievements, and who share the KAUST ethos of continuous discovery.  Learn more here.


The KGSP is administered by KAUST Academy under the leadership of Dr. Sultan Al-Barakati. KAUST Academy is mandated by KAUST to support the acceleration of Saudi Arabia's knowledge-based economy by providing world class training programs in emerging technologies aligned with Vision 2030. KAUST Academy crafts these unique learning interventions by exporting the intellectual DNA acquired by KAUST for the benefit of the entire Kingdom.