Student Spotlight: Nadeem Wali
Nadeem Wali, a junior majoring in Civil Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, recently participated in the Berkeley Method of Entrepreneurship Bootcamp (BMoE). Hosted by UC Berkeley Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology (SCET), the BMoE offers students the chance to develop entrepreneurial skills through intensive workshops, collaborative teambuilding brainstorming sessions, and mentorship meetings with SCET faculty and Silicon Valley industry experts.
This summer, BMoE also included a student competition for most innovative idea related to entrepreneurship and product creation. Nadeem and his team developed an idea to create a technology-integrated climbing helmet: researching its market value, potential for growth, cost of production, and distribution, and even formulating a physical prototype. Impressively, judges comprised of SCET faculty and representatives from Apple, Twitter, and Visa, awarded Nadeem’s team first place out of 13 teams.
“The Berkeley Method of Entrepreneurship Bootcamp pushed me to grow both academically and personally, and helped me get to know and develop my entrepreneurial self," said Nadeem. He noted that working under the supervision of many skilled mentors provided him with an experience of what it is to work in the competitive environment of new venture creation.
Nadeem begins this fall semester with acquired skills that will undoubtedly contribute to his undergraduate studies, bringing forth the innovation and adaptability innate with the entrepreneurial spirit encouraged by the KGSP. He looks forward to further collaboration with his teammates on their project design, and one day having their prototype become a reality.

KGSP students represent the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s future scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, and thought-leaders. As both individuals and as a community, they reflect the KAUST mission of driving scientific discovery through excellence in education and cutting-edge research, and share a commitment to fostering innovation, economic development, and social prosperity throughout the Kingdom and the world.

Selection to the KGSP is extremely competitive, and currently by invitation only. Successful applicants are Saudi Arabian students in their final year of high school who demonstrate impressive academic credentials within STEM fields, meaningful extra-curricular achievements, and who share the KAUST ethos of continuous discovery. Learn more here.

The KGSP is administered by KAUST Academy under the leadership of Dr. Sultan Al-Barakati. KAUST Academy is mandated by KAUST to support the acceleration of Saudi Arabia's knowledge-based economy by providing world class training programs in emerging technologies aligned with Vision 2030. KAUST Academy crafts these unique learning interventions by exporting the intellectual DNA acquired by KAUST for the benefit of the entire Kingdom.

—King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al Saud
1924 – 2015